Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014 Blacks Gone Geek IT Job Outlook Survey Results

When it comes to overall job prospects for IT professionals, 2014 will look a lot like last year, with 32% of companies expecting to increase head count in their IT shops, compared with 33% in 2013, according to Computerworld's annual Forecast survey. 

That's what Computerworld says, but it’s your opinion that matters. Do you believe the job market is getting better? Every year we conduct a Blacks Gone Geek Readers Poll because we want to know what's happening in the "real world"! Here are the results for the 2014 survey.

Survey Results Observations
1.    88% think the job market is the same or improving and 12% think the job market is in lousy or pretty bad (up from 6% for 2013).
2.    Project Manager topped the list as the hottest job in 2014 followed by application development and cloud administrator.
3.    Careers in the cloud and mobile scored high in all categories 2 years in a row.
4.    Cyber security is the #1 career choice with greatest market demand 2 years in a row followed by big data and application development.
5.    Best Advice:
a. Update and maintain your skill sets (volunteer for challenging work assignments in new technology)
b. Keep current on new and emerging technologies
c. Become certified in your field of expertise
d. Network and understand how to brand yourself

For more information regarding this survey, please visit our website at:

What is the Wisdom of the Crowd?
The wisdom of the crowd refers to the process of taking into account the collective opinion of a group of individuals rather than a single expert to answer a question. Join the experiment. Join the discussion on Blacks Gone Geek ( to share your observations and recommendations.

We wish to thank all of the survey respondents for sharing their opinions and feedback. Please contact us for more information.

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