Saturday, June 30, 2012

Transforming the IT Workforce

Hi All,

I have some good news to share. I’ve been invited to speak at the ITSMF 3rd Quarter Symposium held in conjunction with the BDPA Conference on Friday, August 3rd. I will be presenting to senior IT executives and BDPA conference attendees on the theme “Transforming the IT Workforce”.

The objective of this workshop is to inspire senior IT executives to use innovative techniques to find top talent so they can "transform their workforce" to meet the growing demands of the future.

My presentation will offer a unique perspective, from the outside looking in. It’s an opportunity for me to share the survey results from the 2012 IT Job Outlook - Blacks Gone Geek Readers Poll in an intimate setting. My presentation will promote dialogue and discussion on what senior IT executives can do to develop their workforce to better meet the needs of the business.

Did you know that today there is a talent shortage? Yes, it’s true. Ask any IT executive how difficult it is to fill jobs that require unique skill sets and you’ll see what I mean. From the bottom to the top, good talent is hard to find. And companies are no longer in a position to hire second best or train "near fit" candidates for a job. New hires have to hit the ground running in order to be productive from day one. Agile methodology is HOT because time to market has to be FAST. Big companies and small companies alike have to be quick and nimble in order to out pace their competition.

How can senior IT executives transform their workforce to meet the growing demands of the business? There is no easy answer, but one way to do it is by looking from the outside in. In other words, don’t just look at the positions you have open at the moment, look at the external talent pool and figure out ways to grow your bench outside the company instead of carrying your bench inside the company on your payroll.

We will explore this theme further at the symposium, but why wait until then. Send us an email or leave us some comments to share your thoughts today. If you’re on the outside looking in, what advice would you offer to senior IT executives looking for innovative ways to transform their workforce?

We want to hear from you!

Milt Haynes
Founder and Chief Enterprise Architect, Blacks Gone Geek
CIO, National BDPA  

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